Friday, December 8, 2006

Chicken Fried Bacon

This might just be the most awesome food idea I've ever seen.

Unfortunately the original You-Tuber does not allow for embedding. But you gotta see this anyway.

Chicken Fried Bacon


Jeremy said...

MMMmmmm. Reminds me of the Homer burger! The thing I keep thinking about is where the bacon fat goes. Does it go into the fryer, or does it all get trapped in the batter?

GDS said...

I've been pondering these questions myself. We don't fry food often, but next time I do, I'm dropping at least one strip of batter dipped bacon in the hot oil, and will report the results.

Anonymous said...

I am both horrified and fascinated. How can that be??? My arteries were screaming just watching that clip....those steaks! Gawd!!

DO report back if you ever do this, as I would love to live vicariously through you.....